Sleeping Pills Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

Do sleeping pills have side effects?

Depending on the type, prescription sleeping pills may include side effects such as dizziness or lightheadedness, which may lead to falls, headaches and gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhoea and nausea.

Can sleeping pills damage your brain?

According to studies that explore the connection between sleep medications and a dementia diagnosis long-term, regular use of such drugs could harm your future brain health.

What happens when you take sleeping pills with painkillers?

Stanford researchers have determined that taking strong prescription painkillers together with sleeping pills is associated with a greater risk of overdose. Ninety-one Americans die every day from an opioid overdose — a number that has quadrupled since 1999, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

How Long Does It Take to Become Addicted to Sleeping Pills?

It takes anywhere from two weeks to six months to develop a dependence on sleeping pills. The longer you use them, the harder it becomes to wean yourself off them.

What happens if you become addicted to sleeping pills?

Once addicted to sleeping tablets, you’re more predisposed to having depression and suicidal thoughts, at an increased risk of accidents due to being regularly groggy, and can also have a reduced ability to make good decisions.

Are Sleeping Pills the same as Valium?

No, sleeping pills are not the same as Valium. Valium is an anti-anxiety medication used to treat anxiety disorders such as panic attacks and phobias. It is prescribed for short term relief of mild to moderate anxiety.

Why do People Abuse Sleeping Pills?

People often turn to sleep pills when they're feeling stressed out or anxious about something. Many people believe that sleeping pills will make them feel better. But, they actually just mask the problem. When the real issue is addressed, most people get well again.

Can you overdose (OD) on Sleeping Pills?

Yes, you can OD on sleeping pills. Most overdoses occur when someone who is already sick tries to self-medicate with sleeping pills, or when people mix sleeping pills with alcohol and other depressant drugs.

Do Sleeping Pills Cause Cancer?

Some studies suggest that sleeping pills may cause cancer. However, there isn't enough evidence to prove this theory. More research needs to be done before any conclusions can be made.

Can sleeping pills cause stroke?

Sleeping pills or Z-drugs can increase the risk of falls, fractures and stroke among dementia patients: Study. Strong sleeping pills known as 'Z-drugs' are linked with an increased risk of falls, fractures, and stroke among people with dementia - according to research from the University of East Anglia.

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