Drug Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

What is drug addiction?

The most severe type of substance use disease is drug addiction (AKA Substance Use Disorder). When a person's prolonged use of alcohol and/or drugs results in severe problems, such as health problems, disability, and failure to perform responsibilities at work, school, or home, a SUD has developed. SUDs can range in severity from moderate to severe.

How does Physical addiction work?

Physical addiction appears to occur when repeated use of a drug changes the way your brain feels pleasure. The addicting drug causes physical changes to some nerve cells (neurons) in your brain. Neurons use chemicals called neurotransmitters to communicate. These changes can remain long after you stop using the drug.

How do drugs affect you psychologically?

Stimulant drugs can cause depression, anxiety, and paranoia. Cocaine, a stimulant drug, can cause preexisting mental health issues to resurface, as well as trigger psychosis and schizophrenia. Users of ecstasy may develop memory problems. Magic mushrooms and other hallucinogenic drugs might exacerbate existing mental health problems.

Who is considered a drug addict?

People who have a drug addiction experience compulsive, sometimes uncontrollable, cravings for their drug of choice. Typically, they will continue to seek and use drugs in spite of experiencing extremely negative consequences as a result of using.

How do people get addicted?

Genetics accounts for nearly half of a person's chance of developing an addiction, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Stress, trauma, abuse, a lack of education, low-income communities, and high school parties are all examples of environmental risk factors.  

What is the first stage in the cycle of addiction?

Trying the substance is the first step toward addiction. It can be as fast as taking the first drink or smoking a cigarette. Nevertheless, people may have used drugs in the past without becoming addicted, but are now turning to a more addictive substance.

What are the 3 areas of the brain affected by addiction?

Disruptions in three parts of the brain are particularly crucial in the onset, development, and maintenance of substance use disorders, according to scientific evidence: the basal ganglia, the extended amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex.

How do drugs affect you?

When you take a drug on a regular basis, your body becomes accustomed to it and requires bigger doses to achieve the same effect. Regular use can lead to tolerance and addiction, in which you require the substance to feel good and function normally. Physical, psychological, or both types of dependence will emerge.

What are the psychological signs of drug abuse?

Psychological warning signs of drug abuse include:

  • Unexplained change in personality or attitude.
  • Sudden mood swings, irritability, spaced-out, or angry outbursts.
  • Appears fearful, anxious, or paranoid, for no reason.

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