Hallucinogens Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

How are hallucinogens used?

Hallucinogens are used in a variety of ways, including smoking, snorting, and absorption through the mouth lining.

What are the effects of hallucinogens and when do they appear?

The typical effects of hallucinogens can begin as soon as 20 minutes after ingesting them and include increased heart rate, nausea, enhanced sensations, sensory experiences, and changes in temporal perception.

What are hallucinogens’ long-term dangers?

Long-term effects of hallucinogens include anxiety, weight loss, speech issues, persistent psychosis, and flashbacks.

What are the origins of hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens are found in mushrooms (psilocybin), cactus (mescaline), and other plants like cannabis and salvia. Cannabis and psilocybin, in particular, are typically always consumed in their natural state. Although LSD is only available in synthetic form, a related chemical called LSA can be found in nature. Laboratory-made hallucinogens like MDMA and ketamine are also available.

What’s the difference between psychedelics, hallucinogens, and stimulants?

Stimulants typically provide energising, exhilarating effects on the brain and body, whereas hallucinogens primarily produce altered perceptions and hallucinations, and their effects are usually substantially more mental than physical. Some hallucinogens and stimulants can cause hallucinations and changes in perception, although these aren't their major effects. Psychedelics affect all the senses, altering a person's thinking, sense of time and emotions.

What are the risks associated with combining hallucinogens?

Combining psychoactive substances can result in serious physical and mental health issues and potential death. Mixing hallucinogens with other drugs or alcohol can result in overdose because the body is often unable to tolerate the powerful effects induced by these interactions.  

What are the withdrawal symptoms of hallucinogens?

Headaches, sweating, and cravings are common withdrawal effects from hallucinogens.

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