LSD Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

What is LSD?

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a hallucinogenic synthetic (man-made) substance that has been abused since the 1960s. LSD causes delusions and visual hallucinations that disrupt the user's sense of time and identity when taken in large enough doses.

What are the risks of taking LSD?

LSD's effects are unpredictable and are dependent on the amount taken, the environment in which the drug is consumed, and the user's personality, mood, and expectations. Some people who take LSD feel hopeless, while others have horrifying worries of losing control, going insane, or dying. While under the influence of LSD, some users have died in car accidents.

Flashbacks are common among LSD users, in which certain features of their LSD experience resurface even after they have stopped using the drug. LSD users may also develop long-term psychoses including schizophrenia or severe depression.

LSD is not classified as an addictive substance, meaning it does not cause compulsive drug-seeking like heroin or methamphetamine. Users of LSD, on the other hand, may develop tolerance to the drug, requiring them to take increasingly greater dosages in order to maintain the hallucinatory effects they want. They may also develop a psychological dependence on LSD.

Is LSD illegal?

Yes,  LSD is illegal. LSD is a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule I drugs, which include heroin and MDMA, have a high potential for abuse and serve no legitimate medical purpose.

What does LSD look like?

LSD is commonly sold as a liquid (often packaged in little bottles supposed to store breath-freshening drops) or as a powder that can be applied to blotter paper, sugar cubes, jelly squares, and tablets.

Who uses LSD?   

LSD is used by people of various ages. According to data from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, an estimated 20.2 million Americans aged 12 and above have used LSD at least once in their lives. Many teenagers and young adults use LSD, according to the poll, with 742,000 people aged 12 to 17 and 4.5 million people aged 18 to 25 using the substance at least once.

The use of LSD by high school kids is a particular source of worry. According to the University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future Survey, more than 8% of high school seniors in the United States had taken the substance at least once in their lives, with roughly 4% having used it in the previous year.

How long does an LSD “trip” last?

The "trip" lasts anywhere from six to twelve hours when ingesting LSD, depending on the person's body weight, age, dosage, tolerance, genetic makeup, liver health, metabolic rate, and stomach pH. It also depends on how frequently they are being used.

It takes anything from twenty minutes to two hours after swallowing the medication to feel its effects. It takes around 35 minutes for it to reach its peak after that.

What does taking acid do to you?

Users may have a variety of hallucinations and "out of body" experiences, which can be both positive and negative. Some experience profound spiritual and life-changing realisations, while others become completely terrified of what they're experiencing (often known as a "bad trip").

Users often experience the erasing of normal filters or screens that their brains have on guard after swallowing the substance. The outside world is "enlarged" when these are removed. A massive volume of data is rushed into the brain.

Users are suddenly exposed to all of the information that their brain normally filters out, including auditory, visual, emotional, and sensory cues. The sentiments you get from your journey might be influenced by a variety of circumstances, including the people you're with and the physical setting you're in.


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