Ecstasy Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

What is ecstasy?

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is known as ecstasy (MDMA). Ecstasy is an amphetamine derivative that possesses both stimulant and hallucinogenic characteristics. It's also referred to as a 'psychedelic amphetamine.' MDMA is not always present in ecstasy. Ecstasy tablets are frequently combined with other drugs such as aspirin, caffeine, and ketamine (a veterinary anaesthetic agent). Ecstasy is sometimes offered as a drug that does not include MDMA. It is difficult for people to know what they are taking as a result of this.

How pure is ecstasy?

There is no safe way to take an ecstasy pill because no one can possibly know what's in it. Even two tablets from the same supplier can have wildly different quantities of active ingredients, including several that can be exceedingly dangerous when taken together.

Ecstasy pills are frequently created with little or no control over the process, making it difficult to determine exactly what's in them without having them tested. Ecstasy is frequently mixed with a variety of drugs, including MDEA, PMA, MDA, ephedrine, LSD, and other potentially harmful ingredients such as insecticides, ketamine (horse tranquillizers), and cough suppressants, and many have been discovered to contain a variety of other substances of varying quality and toxicity.

How does ecstasy use affect the brain?

There is growing evidence of dangerous long-term repercussions of stimulant usage, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, and memory loss. Ecstasy is a stimulant drug, and many ecstasy tablets contain amphetamines. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), often known as ecstasy, shares many of the same properties as amphetamines. Due to impurities in ecstasy pills, most individuals who use ecstasy also use amphetamines, possibly without realizing it.

What Do Ecstasy Pills Look Like?

Unfortunately for parents, ecstasy pills come in many different shapes, sizes and colours depending on the individual that illegally manufactures the pills. Ecstasy manufacturers often stamp their pills with a unique and catchy emblem so that if individuals like their ecstasy, they can identify the same “brand” and buy it again.  It is also common for ecstasy to come in capsule form rather than in pill form.

Is MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) addictive?

What is known is that MDMA targets the same neurotransmitters that are targeted by other addictive drugs. Researchers are still working to understand MDMA’s addictive properties. But, some users experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms after regular (daily or almost daily) use of the drug is reduced or stopped, such as:

  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • depression
  • trouble concentrating

What are the short term and long term effects of ecstasy?

As with any drug, the effects of ecstasy vary from person to person. This is because the effects of drugs vary depending on several personal characteristics (such as physical size, gender, mood, diet, fitness, age, expectations and health), the drug itself (such as the amount used and its purity), how it is taken and the environment a person is in when using the drug. The short term effects of ecstasy generally include:
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Hot and cold flushes
  • Dry mouth, jaw clenching and teeth grinding
  • Feelings of well-being and exaggerated confidence
  • Anxiety
  • Increased pulse rate, blood pressure and temperature
  • Insomnia
  • Poor concentration.
The long term effects of ecstasy generally include:
  • Depression
  • Drowsiness
  • Muscle aches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of concentration
  • Irritability.

Can you overdose or die if you use MDMA use (Ecstasy or Molly)?

MDMA abuse can result in death. MDMA can impair the body's ability to regulate temperature, especially when used in active, hot environments (like dance parties or concerts). Occasionally, this might result in a rapid rise in body temperature (hyperthermia), which can result in liver, kidney, or heart failure, as well as death.

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