Legal Highs Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

What are legal highs?

Legal highs are substances that have been altered at the molecular level to avoid past anti-drug legislation and imitate the effects of illegal drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, and speed.

What are the common types of legal highs?

Stimulants, sedatives (also known as downers), hallucinogens, and synthetic cannabinoids are all examples of legal highs.

What are the psychological effects of legal highs?

Long-term effects include depression, mood swings that can lead to suicidal thinking, and an increase in mental health conditions such as psychosis, paranoia, and anxiety.  

When did legal highs become illegal?

When the UK government passed the Psychoactive Substances Act in 2016, it outlawed the sale of "legal highs." The government has produced an evaluation of the effects of its legislation two years later.

How are legal highs taken?

Legal highs are snorted or consumed as powders, pills, or capsules, whilst smoking combinations are smoked in a joint, spliff, or pipe. Some people inject them as well. Any drug that is injected is especially risky because it is more likely to reach harmful or lethal doses this way.

What’s the duration of legal highs effects?

The length of time the effects last and the drug stays in your system is determined by how much you've taken, your size, and any other medications you've taken.  

What happens when legal highs are mixed with other substances?

When legal highs are combined with other psychoactive substances or alcohol, the risk of overdose is increased.

What are the long-term consequences of legal highs abuse?

Long-term repercussions of 'legal high' addiction may include heart and central nervous system problems, seizures, a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, psychosis, and schizophrenia.  

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