Alcohol Detox & Rehab Programs Explained

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Frequently asked questions

What is meant by drug dependence?

Drug dependence is a chronic, progressive disease characterised by significant impairment that is directly associated with persistent and excessive use of a psychoactive substance. Impairment may involve physiological, psychological, or social dysfunction.

What are the types of drug dependence?

There are two types of drug dependence. Opiates, tobacco, and alcohol are common drugs that cause physical dependency. The second kind, psychological dependency, affects a person emotionally and mentally rather than, or in addition to, physiologically.

What drugs are most likely to cause dependency?

Some drugs that cause dependence include nicotine, morphine, heroin (also known as diamorphine), cocaine, amfetamine and alcohol. In addition, some people can become dependent upon medicines that are prescribed or bought from their local pharmacies.

What are the characteristics of drug dependence?

Drug addiction causes physical, mental, and spiritual harm. Substance users consider the drug to be a part of their everyday lives. Drug addiction is a disease that progresses over time. This disease cannot be fully cured, but it can be managed.

How does drug dependence develop?

Physical addiction appears to develop when a drug's repeated use alters the way your brain perceives pleasure. Some nerve cells (neurons) in your brain undergo physical alterations as a result of the addictive substance. Neurotransmitters are substances that neurons utilise to communicate. These changes can last for a long time after you stop using the drug.

What are the symptoms of drug dependence?

The development of a high tolerance for the substance as your body adapts to the drug, leading to a craving for greater or more frequent dosages, is one of the signs of drug dependence. When you try to quit using the drug, you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

What are the mechanisms of drug addiction?

Dopamine in the limbic system is a frequent channel of action for drugs of abuse. Chronic drug administration causes biochemical alterations in multiple neurotransmitter systems, and hence various neurotransmitter systems are involved in the development of drug dependency.

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